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Pesticide Management in Argentina

1. Pesticide regulation Decree no. 350 of SENASA
2. Pesticide administration department




Responsible for pesticide registration and supervision

State Food Inspection and Quarantine Bureau

Responsible for pesticide test and analysis


Commercial Management of Pesticides, Fertilizers, Seeds and Other Products

3. Registration Types and Material Requirements
Registration Types: Register new active ingredient products; Register the same active ingredient product; Register new active ingredient preparations; Register the same active ingredient product preparation.
1) Final Registration Requirements for Active Components of New Chemical Pesticides
a. Archive file
b. Safety information
c. Confidential transport
d. Technical information
e. Sample
2) Final Registration Requirements for Registration of Same Active Components
a. If it is an unregistered product in Argentina, the following test report is required: Pharmacodynamics’ test report; Residual test report; Full set of toxicological and environmental test reports.
b. If it is a product that has been registered in Argentina but has not been certified by SENASA, the following test report is required: Chronic toxicological and environmental toxicity test report of the original drug; Acute toxicity test report of impurities.
c. If it is a registered product in Argentina and has been certified by SENASA, the following test report is required: Full analysis of the original drug; Physical and chemical properties; Acute 6 toxicity report; A mutagenicity; Report on the physical and chemical properties of the preparation; Environmental 3 toxicity report.

4. Registration approval time


Registration type



Trial registration

120 days


New active ingredient registration

1 year


New crop registration for registered products

90 days


New preparation registration

90 days


Same product registration

120 days


Registration of new records of registered products

60 days


Registration of new areas for registered products

60 days


Registration of new methods for registered products

120 days



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