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Pesticide Management in Pakistan

1. Pesticide regulation  According to《Agricultural Pesticides Ordinance 1971》and 《Agricultural Pesticides Rules 1973》,the first thing need to do is register if you want to import, production, processing, sale, retail and use of pesticides in Pakistan.

2. Pesticide administration department
The federal food and agriculture department's plant protection agency is responsible for pesticide registration.

3. Registration Types and Material Requirements
Pesticide registration mainly includes Form 1, Form 16, Form 17, and other types in Pakistan.
Form 1 Requirements   Manufacturers provide: Authorize registration; Composition of the original drug and preparation product; Product specification; Product analysis methods and other technical documents such as toxicity, submit sample 2-5 g, original drug 0.5-1 kg and preparation 1 L or 1 kg for analysis.
Form 16 Requirements   Manufacturers provide: Authorize sales agent in Pakistan; Authorize applicants to register, import and sell their products; Composition of the original drug and preparation product; Product specification; Product analysis methods and other technical documents such as toxicity, MRLs, submit sample 2-5 g, original drug 0.5-1 kg and preparation 1 L or 1 kg and send it to plant protection department for analysis.
Form 17 Requirements   Manufacturers must register in OECD or China and provide registration certificate in their own country;Authorize the sales agent of its products in Pakistan; Authorize applicants to register, import and sell their products; Composition of the original drug and preparation product; Product specification; Product analysis methods and other technical documents such as toxicity, MRLs.

4. Registration approval time


Registration type



Form 1

2-3 years


Form 16

1-3 months


Form 17

1-2 months


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