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Pesticide Management in Cambodia

1. Pesticide regulation  《Agricultural Material Standards and Regulations》

2. Pesticide administration department
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Cambodia is responsible for the registration of pesticides. There are two related agencies, the General Directorate of Agriculture and the Department of Agriculture legislation. The former is responsible for pesticide analysis and field trials of biological pesticides. The latter is responsible for pesticide registration according to the analysis results of the former.

3. Registration Types and Material Requirements
Material Requirements: 1) Authorization Letter, documents for registration of pesticide products by Cambodian companies with approval from overseas companies; 2) Technical Brochure, it includes the basic information of authorized companies, the name of registered products, product regulations, pesticide types and the application of products; 3) Material Safety Data Sheet; 4) Quality Testing Report; 5) Production processing flow chart; 6) Data requirement for registration of pesticides: general information, properties of the active ingredient, properties of the formulated product, intended uses and methods of application, assessment of efficiency of pesticides, toxicology, residue data, environmental data, disposal of surplus pesticides and pesticide containers, labelling; 7) khmer label.

4. Registration approval process

Phase one: Prepare registration materials and samples; Phase two: Submit registration materials and samples, wait for the audit result; Phase three: Pay the cost of sample testing, start the laboratory analysis and field test stage; Phase four: Pay the official fee and get the registration certificate.


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